- Full Day 9am - 5pm
- AM Half Day 9am - 1pm
- PM Half Day: 1pm - 5 pm
- Late Pick Up: 5pm - 6pm
- Week 1: June 22 - 26
- Week 2: June 26 - July 03
- Week 3: July 06 - 10
- Week 4: July 13 - 17
- Week 5: July 20 - 24
- Week 6: July 27 - 31
- Week 7: August 03 - 07
- Week 8: August 10 - 14
Early Registration By April 30, 2020
- Full Day (Per Week) $300
- Half Day (Per Week) $200
- Full Day Drop-In $60
- Half Day Drop-In $40
- Late Pick Up $30
Registration After April 30, 2020
- Full Day (Per Week) $350
- Half Day (Per Week) $250
- Full Day Drop-In $70
- Half Day Drop-In $50
- Late Pick Up $30
Shoreview Member's Fee
Full Day $200 Per Week
Come join us for chess lessons and play in a fun filled environment. Each day consists of chess instruction and competitive play. Experienced chess instructors, make chess fun and exciting. Lessons are targeted toward the skills of the children. Whether your child is a casual chess player or tournament participant, this exciting enrichment chess camp will improve every child's game. Instructors use a range of teaching tools including demo boards, computer tutorials, worksheets, stories and historic games to keep class time exciting. Each half day consists of two hour-long chess lessons targeted to the ability of the children and two hour of practice to play against other students and instructors. Shoreview chess camp is the perfect way to give children a fun learning experience with chess while challenging their minds!

Tentative Activity Schedules
Morning 9:00 am - 1: 00 pm
- 9am - 9:15am Arriving Warm-up
- 9:15am - 10am Instruction
- 10am - 10:10am Recess & Snacks
- 10:10am - 11am Training Games/ Review
- 11am - 11:10pm Recess
- 11:10am - 12pm Practice Games
- 12pm - 12:15pm Break & Lunch
- 12:15pm - 1pm Review & Wrap-Up
Afternoon 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- 1pm - 1:15pm Arriving Warm-up
- 1:15pm - 2pm Instruction
- 2pm - 2:10pm Recess & Snacks
- 2:10pm - 3pm Training Games/Review
- 3pm - 3:10pm Recess
- 3:10pm - 4pm Practice Games
- 4pm - 4:10pm Recess & Snacks
- 4:10pm - 5pm Review & Wrap-Up